7 apps you cant go without if youre a digital nomad

Being a digital nomad for the past six years has been an incredible journey. Traveling to different countries is fantastic, but it comes with its fair share of challenges.

Daniel H
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Being a digital nomad for the past six years has been an incredible journey. Traveling to different countries is fantastic, but it comes with its fair share of challenges. Language barriers, cultural differences, and unfamiliar laws can throw even the most seasoned traveler off course. From my own experience and tips I've picked up from fellow nomads, I've found that while you can't avoid these hurdles entirely, you can definitely make the journey smoother with the right tools.

That's why today, I'm excited to share 7 of the best travel apps for digital nomads. These apps have been game-changers for me and many others on the road.

So, let's dive in and discover how you can enhance your digital nomad experience with these fantastic travel apps!

1. Google Maps

First up is Google Maps. It might seem like the obvious choice, but trust me, it makes a world of difference. Whether you're searching for top-rated restaurants, hidden bars, or must-see tourist spots, Google Maps has you covered.

One of my favorite features is the offline mode. If you haven't snagged a local SIM card yet, you can download maps of your area for offline navigation. This has been a lifesaver more times than I can count!

Personally, I love using Google Maps as a backup when exploring new areas. I like to turn off GPS and just wander around cities and towns, soaking in the vibe and discovering hidden gems. When I start to feel a bit too lost or off-track, I turn my phone back on and let Google Maps guide me back to civilization. It always feels like an adventure.

Google Maps is absolutely essential for any digital nomad.

2.Google translate

One of the must-have apps for any digital nomad is Google Translate. It's fantastic for basic conversations, understanding, and making requests to people who don't speak your language. This app has saved me countless times!

For example, I learned the hard way that showing the soles of your feet in Thailand is considered rude. When a local expressed their disgust, I quickly used Google Translate to ask what the problem was. They explained, I apologized, and the situation was resolved smoothly! Moments like these show just how invaluable this app can be.

Another amazing feature of Google Translate is its ability to translate text from photos in real time. You can take pictures of menus or signs in different languages, and the app will instantly translate them into your native language. This feature has almost eliminated any issues I had ordering food overnight!

However, a word of caution: keep your translations brief and stick to standard language. Once you start throwing in slang or idioms, Google Translate can get a bit confused, often spitting out some pretty random stuff. But as long as you keep it simple, this app is a real lifesaver on the road.

3.Online banks

When I first started traveling as a digital nomad, one of the biggest hassles was dealing with my home country's physical banks. If you've ever used your card abroad, you probably know the frustration of having it blocked for security reasons. Sure, it's great for safety, but when you're in a pinch and your only source of funds is suddenly inaccessible, it’s a nightmare.

That's where online banks come to the rescue. With security systems managed via an app, they make traveling so much smoother. I've been using Revolut since the beginning of my journey, and it's been a game-changer. I enjoy 0% ATM charges, excellent exchange rates, and a bunch of complimentary insurance perks on items bought with the card. Plus, the savings are fantastic.

Honestly, after experiencing the convenience and benefits of online banking, I can't imagine going back to high street banks. For digital nomads, online banks like Revolut or Wise are absolute lifesavers!

4.Alternative Airlines

As a digital nomad, one of the biggest hurdles I face is dealing with the unpredictable cost of airline tickets. Whether it's an unexpected opportunity or an emergency that requires me to fly halfway across the globe, finding affordable flights can be a real challenge. That's where Alternative Airlines comes in.

Now, Alternative Airlines isn't exactly an app, but it's definitely worth bookmarking on your phone. This fantastic website is a lifesaver for travelers on a budget. They partner with a variety of online checkout services, like Klarna and PayPal Credit, allowing you to buy now and pay later. Imagine booking a flight today and spreading the cost over three months—often interest-free!

While the prices can be a bit higher than what you'd find on Skyscanner, Alternative Airlines is perfect for those times when you need flexibility and quick solutions. It’s been a life-saver for me in tight situations, and I know it will be for you too!


Now, let's talk about one app that's an absolute lifesaver for travelers—VPNs. There's a lot of debate about whether you really need a VPN, but from my experience, if you're working for a client or company based in a different country, it's a must-have.

Here's why: Many countries have some pretty strange website restrictions. For instance, in Vietnam, the BBC is blocked, which means journalists there need a VPN to access the latest news. Plus, you might find that important websites from your home country, like online banking, become inaccessible once you leave. Imagine having a banking emergency and not being able to log in—total nightmare, right? A VPN solves that problem by letting you access these sites as if you're back home.

For me, NordVPN is one of the best out there. It's affordable, reliable, and if you sign up for a higher-tier subscription with Revolut, you can even get the premium version for free. It's well worth it!

6.IM apps

Messaging apps have become a huge part of our lives. Whether you despise or admire them, there's no denying their usefulness. When abroad, messaging apps that require WiFi or mobile data are key to the success of your journey and even your safety. Many messaging apps nowadays go above and beyond the call of messaging.

Take Vietnam, for example. Their main messaging app, Zalo, is used by nearly everyone. It comes pre-installed on most new phones and offers everything from food deliveries and government disaster warnings to QR codes for local banking. It's truly invaluable when navigating the country.

Next up, we have LINE, primarily used in Thailand. This app does it all, from money services to QR codes on the metro system. With over 44 million users in Thailand alone (as of 2020), it's another must-have for your travels.

And then there's South Korea, where KakaoTalk reigns supreme. This funky, friendly yellow app serves over 52 million customers worldwide, with 47 million in Korea alone. Considering Korea's population is nearly 52 million (as of 2021), you can't overlook this app when visiting.

Before you travel, I highly recommend doing a quick Google search to find out the most popular messaging app in your destination. It might not be available to download outside the target country, but it's something you'll need once you're there.

7.Socirc app

One of the biggest challenges of being a digital nomad is how transient the lifestyle can be. One day, you're hanging out with friends in one city, and the next day, they've moved on to another. Keeping in touch and planning meetups becomes a juggling act, especially when your friends are spread out across multiple countries.

Enter Socirc, your all-in-one event planner. Whether you’re trying to catch your favorite band in a nearby country or coordinate a birthday party, Socirc has you covered. Here’s what it can do for you:

🗳 Polls: Tired of endless back-and-forth messages? Socirc’s polling feature lets you suggest dates, themes, and activities that suit everyone’s preferences, turning ideas into concrete plans effortlessly.

💌 Invites: Make your invites stand out! Personalize them with images, GIFs, and even attach documents to set the perfect vibe for your event.

💬 Chatroom: Keep all your party-related discussions in one place. The integrated chatroom ensures that important details are always at your fingertips and no one gets left out of the loop.

Say goodbye to chaotic group chats and hello to seamless planning. Download Socirc on the App Store or Google Play today, and make your event planning as easy and fun as your travels! And don’t forget to follow us on social media for the latest updates.